Who runs the government when President rule is imposed what is the law and order like

Who runs the government when President rule is imposed what is the law and order like

Due to some reasons, President’s rule is sometimes imposed in the country. After which the responsibility of the state is no longer in the hands of the government of that state, but have you ever thought that in such a situation, in whose hands does the responsibility of the state fall? If not then let us know.

In what situations is President’s rule applicable?
First of all, let us know under what circumstances President’s rule is applicable. So let us tell you that in any state, if the Chief Minister is not elected in the state assembly at the time fixed by the Governor, then President’s rule comes into force. Apart from this, if there is a coalition government in power in the state but if this coalition loses its majority in the Assembly, or the CM is unable to prove majority in the House within the time given by the Governor, in that situation also President’s rule is imposed. Is.

Also, if there is no majority and a no-confidence motion is passed in the assembly of a state and in the same situation it is not possible to hold elections due to natural disaster, epidemic or war, then President’s rule is imposed.

  • Who runs the government after President’s rule is imposed?
    Whenever President’s rule is imposed, the command of that state comes into the hands of the Governor. In such a situation, the Governor handles the administration of the state with the help of the Chief Advisor and other administrative officers of the state.
  • In this situation, the President has the power to declare that the powers of the state assembly can come to the Parliament. That means, during the President’s rule, policy and legal decisions of the state can be taken in the Parliament.
  • Besides, the Assembly can also be dissolved by the President. This means that even during the session of Parliament, all the policy and legal decisions related to that state can be implemented only by the President.

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